Trauma Counseling Overview for the AFT
Trauma Counseling
The AFT provides a free trauma counseling benefit for all active and on-leave members. Members who experience a covered incident are provided counseling with a Master's level or higher therapist trained in post-traumatic incident recovery.
Coverage is 24/7, 365, both on and off the job, if a member experiences an aggravated assault, domestic violence, sexual assault, a mass shooting, terrorist act, or a major disaster. Members are covered while at work if they are bullied, harassed, threatened, traumatized by witnessing a violent incident, infected by a contagious disease, or face a secondary trauma, such as the loss of a student, patient, or someone under their care.
Counseling services are available for up to one year after a covered incident
Members who use the program are provided up to 21 hours of counseling
This is a no-cost benefit for all active AFT members
What member are saying about the AFT trauma counseling program:

The AFT-provided trauma counseling benefit is a part of a comprehensive post-incident recovery program called Trauma Coverage. Locals have the ability to purchase the financial benefits of Trauma Coverage for their membership.
A program can be designed for locals to provide members immediate financial assistance to them and their families after a covered incident. Benefits include 100% of their regular pay from all sources, the lost wages of a family member providing at-home support, reimbursement for out-of-pocket medical expenses, and accidental death coverage.
Fill out the form to learn more.
Members and leaders looking to learn more about the AFT's free trauma counseling benefit and locals interested in learning more about the financial benefits of Trauma Coverage may contact the AFT's dedicated servicing agent:
Eric Hukey
© 2023 Trauma Coverage
AFT Trauma Counseling Program